

发表时间: 2023-11-01 13:59


以下文章来源于食品科学food science ,作者Functional food

食品科学food science.

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浙江大学农业与生物技术学院茶学系楚强研究员团队在Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety发表题目为“A systemic review on Liubao tea: A time-honored dark tea with distinctive raw materials, process techniques, chemical profiles, and biological activities”综述论文(六堡茶系统综述: 具有独特原料、加工工艺、化学成分和生物活性的古老黑茶)。


六堡茶(LBT)是一种独特的微生物发酵茶,具有 1500 年的悠久饮用历史。采用广西六堡镇当地茶树品种制作的六堡茶,经过特定的后发酵工艺,具有红润、浓厚、陈香、纯净四大特点。后发酵过程中发生的复杂变化包括氧化、降解、甲基化、糖基化等,为这些独特的感官特征奠定了物质基础。此外,LBT还含有多种生物活性化合物,如鞣花酸、儿茶素、多糖和茶褐素等,对氧化应激、代谢综合征、有机损伤和微生物菌群具有多种调节能力。然而,目前对LBT的研究比较零散,迫切需要对LBT的制造工艺、发酵过程中的主要微生物、动态化学变化、感官特征以及潜在的健康益处进行系统的总结。本综述全面总结了当前关于LBT的特殊茶叶品种、传统和现代工艺技术、感官特征的物质基础以及潜在生物活性的研究进展。此外,还深入探讨了目前阻碍LBT发展的挑战和不足,以及可能的方向和未来展望。到目前为止,由于对劳动力和经验的依赖,以及对加工、感官质量和生物活性所涉及的复杂相互作用和潜在机制的不完全理解,LBT的生产力和质量仍然受到限制。因此,迫切需要进行进一步的研究来解决这些差距。


FIGURE 1. The overview of history, manufacture, and research about Liubao tea (LBT). (a) The history and critical period of LBT. (b) The ancient tea boat waterway for LBT propagation worldwide. The base map is applied without endorsement from the United Nations (https://www.un.org/geospatial/mapsgeo). (c) The total export and value of LBT from 2001 to 2019. (d) The yields of LBT and total Guangxi tea from 2016 to 2021. (e) The trend of research on LBT from 2008 to 2022.

FIGURE 2. The tea products, raw materials and manufacture procedures of Liubao tea (LBT). (a) The pictures of LBT and derived products. (b) The pictures of LBT population. (c) The manufacturing sequence graph of LBT.


FIGURE 3. Influence of aging on Liubao tea (LBT) and its management. (a) The appearance of LBT dry tea, infusions and brewed leaves with different aging years. (b) The appropriate parameter for aging in traditional cave and wooden warehouse. (c) The two different methods for LBT aging. (d) The chemical alterations of aging LBT.


FIGURE 4. Aroma characteristics and related volatile compounds. (a) The flavor wheel for aroma characteristics of Liubao tea (LBT). (b) The main volatile compounds and the formation path of stale-aroma type LBT. (c) The main volatile compounds and the formation path of betelnut-aroma type LBT. (d) The main volatile compounds and the formation path of fungal-aroma type LBT. (e) The microorganisms critical to aroma formation of LBT.

FIGURE 5. The substance basis of the taste and color of Liubao tea (LBT). (a) Degradation of chlorophyll. (b) The oxidation and polymerization of polyphenols and the formation of theabrownins (TBs). (c) The flavor wheel for taste of LBT. (d) The dynamic chemical alterations of LBT during microbial fermentation. (e) The correlations between chemicals and dominant microorganisms. +C, catechins; TP, tea polyphenols; TPS, tea polysaccharides; WE, water extract; WSC, water-soluble carbohydrate; WSP, water-soluble pectin.


FIGURE 6. The diversified bioactivities of Liubao tea (LBT). (a) Daily diets and life style affecting human health. (b) In vitro and in vivo antioxidant abilities of LBT. ABTS, 2,2′-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate); CAA, cellular antioxidant activity; DPPH, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical; FRAP, ferric ion reducing antioxidant power. (c) Protective effects of LBT on organs, including liver, stomach, and intestine. (d–f) The anti-obesity, anti-diabetes, antihyperlipidemic effects of LBT. LPL, lipoprotein lipase. (g) Modulatory effects of LBT on gut microbiota.






